Have you ever thought that it would be fun to throw a party and get items at a reduced price? How many have heard about the BBMB special that is only for the month of July? Let me tell you about it.There is a list of muchly appreciated scent bars that is making a sudden reappearance. These scents are limited time exclusives. the smells that made the list are as listed below: Always, Banana Nut Bread, Cashmere, Cinco De Mayo, Citrus Sun Tea, Cranberry Mango, Cranberry Muffin, Cutiepie Cupcake, Fresh Cut Grass, Fried Ice Cream, Go-Go-Goji, Grape Granada, Lemon Lavender, Luscious Lemon, Maui Mist, Mulberry Bush, Orange Dreamsicle, Pineapple Paradise, Rustic Lodge, and last but not least Watermelon Patch.....
the Cinco De Mayo is Orville's favorite smell and has a combination of lime and cilantro. The Maui Mist happens to be Heidi's pick it is a combination of rose, lilac, wood, and musk, mixed with vanilla. I would encourage everyone to check out the website at http://scentsify.Scentsy.us and see what is there unfortunately the special bars will not be available to order til July first so it will just be a little bit longer til we can order the smells that everyone is waiting on.
I also wanted to let everyone know that if there is a certain smell that interests you let me know while the website may not sell it there is always a chance that I can ask around and find it for you.
Hello, I have browsed most of your posts. This post is probably where I got the most useful information for my research. Thanks for posting, maybe we can see more on this. Are you aware of any other websites on this subject.